


As 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 celebrates its forty-third year of the luminarias display, the community will enjoy a glimmering array of bags that will shine from rooftops, 沿着人行道, 在庭院和选择校园停车场整个晚上. Returning this year, guests can choose to either drive or walk through the display. 步行者可以在下午5点开始欣赏灯光.m.,而驾驶路线将于下午6点开放.m.


活动期间只开放两个入口. 步行者 may park in one of the following lots: Quality Center for 业务 (Lot #O), 工业技术学院(地段K号), 北区儿童与家庭发展中心(地块#P), which are accessible by traveling south on College Boulevard from Pinon Hills Boulevard. 

司机 will enter the College from Butler Avenue traveling north on Sunrise Parkway.  They will then follow the marked route through the campus and exit at College Boulevard, 哪里的车辆需要向南转到第30街. Please note that the Pinon Hills Boulevard entrance to the College will be closed during the Luminaria display. As a courtesy, all drivers are asked to turn their lights off as they drive through the display. 

The sounds of the season will ring campus wide as 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站’s listener-supported radio station, KSJE 90.9-FM,播放你最喜欢的圣诞颂歌. 天气允许的话, 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站天文馆 将于晚上6:30至9:30举办一年一度的Luminaria Stargaze.m.,在内院. 将架设一架望远镜来观测夜空. 

Mary’s Kitchen will have the c-store open during the Luminaria display from 4 p.m. 到10点.m. The dining area will have a limited seating capacity and masks must be worn inside the building.


The Office of Student Engagement and Campus Life coordinates this event with help from the 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站物理工厂, students, staff and community volunteers who set up and light the candles. 前一周, hundreds of area school children and high school students help fill paper bags with sand and candles, 这些都是由大学生制定的吗, 工作人员及义工.

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 invites community members and groups to contribute to this annual tradition by assisting with the set-up of bags on Friday, 12月3日, 或者在下午三点点蜡烛.m. 12月4日星期六. 12月4日(星期六)将为志愿者提供晚餐.  Volunteers who help pick up luminaria bags on Sunday, December 5, at 9 a.m. 早餐会有玛丽厨房的墨西哥卷饼吗. 

欲了解更多太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站本次活动的信息或志愿者,请联系 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站学生参与和校园生活办公室 at 505- 566-3403. 




太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站教育服务中心(SJC), 钟楼位于钟楼内, 下午5点关门吗.m. 11月23日,星期二,感恩节.

The entire SJC campus will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday from Wednesday, 11月24日, 到周日, 11月28日. 法明顿校区、阿兹特克校区和科特兰校区将不开设课程.

The 图书馆 will be open Monday, November 22, and Tuesday, November 23, from 8 a.m. 到5点.m. and then will close on Wednesday, 11月24日, 到周日, 11月28日.

除了, the Health and Human Performance Center (HHPC) will close at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 11月24日, and will remain closed through November 25, in observance of Thanksgiving. 医院将于十一月二十六日(星期五)上午五时起恢复办公.m. 到8点.m. 11月27日星期六早上6点半开始.m. 到5点.m.  有关HHPC的完整时间列表,请访问 v2kc.domestictunerz.com/hhpc.

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的所有课程将于周一恢复, 11月29日, and regular schedules for all campus building will resume that day as well. 在感恩节期间在校园寻求帮助, 请致电公共安全部门505-566-4444.

新生可以在网上申请 v2kc.domestictunerz.com/admissions. 继续学习的学生可以通过MySJC门户网站或网站注册 v2kc.domestictunerz.com/register.  春季学期将于1月18日星期二开课.




一年一度的慈善碗义卖又回到了太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站,手工制作, 学生制作的独一无二的陶瓷作品. 拍卖将于11月18日(周四)上午9:30开始.m. 到下午6点.m.11月19日,星期五,上午9:30开始.m. 到下午6点.m.,在… 亨德森美术中心 9000间会议室位于太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站主校区.

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站举办慈善碗义卖已经超过20年了, 收益将捐给当地的慈善机构.  今年的慈善接受者是特雷斯里奥斯人类家园®. Tres Rios Habitat for Humanity® is a non-profit housing organization that works to provide adequate housing by building simple, 体面的住房与需要帮助的人合作. They also have a local Habitat store where community members can volunteer or donate items to be sold at the store.

“我们很高兴今年能把碗卖回校园,唐·埃利斯解释道, 艺术副教授和慈善碗活动协调员.

Ceramic bowls made by 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 students and staff will be available for purchase for $10.  Each purchased bowl comes with a free fill-up of soup from Mary’s Kitchen at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站

An array of other items made by art students will be available for purchase, 包括圣诞装饰品, 不同种类的陶器, 围巾, 珠饰和更多.

除了, 将有一个学生和教师的艺术展览和销售, 包括陶瓷, 图纸, 绘画, 和摄影, 在亨德森美术中心美术馆展出.

For more information on the 慈善碗义卖, call the Art Gallery at 505-566-3464.



W. 霍华德院长拿着四张装裱好的获奖照片

W. Dean Howard is a former 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 student and current adjunct instructor of photography. He recently won the Best of Show at the 2021 San Juan County Fair for his photograph (at right). W.  Dean Howard took the photo as a student in Tony Bennett’s photography class. 班尼特的摄影课与 SJC美容课程 在一个大规模的照片拍摄.  Cosmetology used the photos to learn how makeup is affected under different lighting conditions, and the photography students were able to work for the first time with live subjects in the photography studio. 

11月- 12月通讯员


Dr. Wesch standing on the sand at edge of glacier with mountains in background

Even though I was ready for a relatively quiet retirement when I finished my career as a full-time psychology instructor at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站, multiple local and international challenges certainly altered this reality. 

在2019年,我开始与以前的学生,博士交谈. Zuilma Sigurthadottir, 为冰岛大学授课的事, 雷克雅未克的一所公立研究型大学, 冰岛.  我遇到了博士. Sigurthadottir when she received a portion of her clinical training from me while she was a graduate student at Southern Illinois University. 接受Ph值后.D.  东北大学, she returned to 冰岛 and began teaching and providing many behavior analytic services in schools, 诊所, 和医院. 我一直与Dr. Sigurthadottir through the Association for Behavior Analysis International since the 1980s. 

Dr. Sigurthadottir and I planned that I would teach a professional ethics class upon my retirement for first-year students in the Behavior Analysis Master’s program at the University of 冰岛 starting in the fall of 2020. 当然, 因为受新冠肺炎限制,不可能去冰岛旅行, 我们让我去冰岛教面对面课程的计划被搁置了. So, I adapted and began teaching online with 19 students participating through Zoom.

2021年春天, I had the opportunity to travel to 冰岛 to teach an advanced ethical re搜索 class face-to-face to graduate students at the University of 冰岛. 在完全接种并接受多次新冠病毒检测后, 我于2021年8月来到雷克雅未克. 

除了 to making it possible to teach the class to students who were planning to do re搜索 projects as a part of their graduate program, Dr. Sigurthadottir and her husband were kind enough to be great hosts and to share the beauty of 冰岛 with me. 我们游览了冰岛西部和南部的大部分地区, staying in farmhouses and hiking in the hills and along the Atlantic Ocean. 到处都是水, 冰川, 海洋和炎热的天气形成了鲜明的对比, 新墨西哥州的干燥夏天.

Dr. Wesch将继续在雷克雅未克偶尔授课. 他计划在2022年5月下旬教授新一届研究生. 他还希望游览冰岛北部和东部. “还有更多的美等着我们去体验,”Wesch惊呼道.


11月- 12月通讯员